Along the Wilderness Trail to the new River...through Wood's Gap...onto Goblintown Creek, Huckleberry Creek, Greasy Creek, Burks Fork of Little River, the Black Ridge, Buffalo the tiny communities of Jacksonville, Rush Fork (Santos) and Willis...came an unfolding line of ancestors who emigrated from Europe in the 1600's and 1700's and eventually made their way to southwestern Virginia. Among them was the youngest son of an immigrant and veteran of the Revolution -- Christopher Schlosser. This web site focuses on him, his ancestors, and his successors.  

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Family Photos




The Slusher Family organization held it's 20th Reunion on 18 July 2010 in Floyd, Virginia. Nearly forty (40) people attended the meeting, traveling from as far as Missouri, Texas and New York.

The meeting began mid-morning with socializing and sharing of family photographs and stories. A pot luck lunch was served with most attendees visiting the buffet at least two times. A short business meeting was held after lunch in which existing officers of the organization were re-elected unamimously. It was noted that Janet Keith has served the organization from it's inception in 1970.

Following the business meeting, social exchanges continued and a group photograph was taken shortly before the meeting ended around 3:00 PM. A number of relatives who were first-time visitors were given a tour of the town of Floyd by Janet Keith

The next meeting is scheduled for 15 July 2012.

Click here to download a full-size version of this group photograph

  Copyright 2008 Slusher Family Organization   Last Update:18 July 2010