The Slusher Family organization held it's 21th Reunion on July 15, 2012 in Floyd, Virginia. Nearly fifty (50) people attended the meeting, traveling from as far as Missouri and Texas.
The meeting began mid-morning with socializing and sharing of family photographs and stories. A pot luck lunch was served with most attendees visiting the buffet at least two times.
A short business meeting was held after lunch in which existing officers of the organization were re-elected unamimously.
The group traditionally recognizes the oldest and youngest attendees of each gathering. Those recognized this year were (left) Robert S. Slusher and Grayson Martinez -- whose blood includes both Slusher and Schlosser.
The highlight of the meeting was a presentation by Mr. Robert Leath of the Museum of Early Southern Decorative Arts in Winston-Salem, N.C. Mr. Leath has researched the history of a corner cupboard that was sold in the early 1980's as part of the estate of sisters Hattie andMattie Dickerson of Floyd. Leath's research has led him to conclude that the cupboard was made by Christopher Slusher, Sr. Recently, at Colonial Williamsburg, Leath shared his conclusions and explained its connection to another piece quite similar in the Yale University's Gallery of Art. His presentation included census, estate, land, and map data that was gathered and used in his research.
Following the business meeting, social exchanges continued and a group photograph was taken shortly before the meeting ended around 3:00 PM.
A number of attendees also visited the Floyd County Historical Society, which currently is exhibiting a variety of Slusher and Keith historical items which will remain on display until December 2012.
The next meeting is scheduled for July 20, 2014.