Along the Wilderness Trail to the new River...through Wood's Gap...onto Goblintown Creek, Huckleberry Creek, Greasy Creek, Burks Fork of Little River, the Black Ridge, Buffalo the tiny communities of Jacksonville, Rush Fork (Santos) and Willis...came an unfolding line of ancestors who emigrated from Europe in the 1600's and 1700's and eventually made their way to southwestern Virginia. Among them was the youngest son of an immigrant and veteran of the Revolution -- Christopher Schlosser. This web site focuses on him, his ancestors, and his successors.  



The Slusher Family organization held it's 22th Reunion on July 20, 2014 in Floyd, Virginia. Approximately twenty (20) people attended the meeting, traveling from as far as California and Texas.

The meeting began mid-morning with socializing and sharing of family photographs and stories. A pot luck lunch was served with most attendees visiting the buffet at least two times. A short business meeting moderated by President Tom Schlosser was held after lunch. The existing officers of the organization were re-elected unamimously.

Tom recognized the many contributions of past officers, among them Marguerite Slusher (an original moving force and historial who also prepared the newsletters back in the 1970's) and her husband Bill who prepared a rough draft of "The Book" and was the first President elected in 1970. Anne and Robert Robertson (past Presidents) were recognized with it noted that Anne conducted our first meeting in 1970, Also recognized were Freeman Susher (1st Treasurer), Lance Knowles (a past Treasurer), Archa Vaughn, Mel Linkous, past Presidents, Virginia Graham Brown (corresponding Secretary) and Hatcher and Alta King, genealogists 1st elected in 1970.

Roger Slusher was to have been the speaker for this year's meeting sharing his research related to Christopher Slusher, Jr. who had moved his family to Lafayette County Missouri in 1828. Sadly, he passed away last year in Lexington, Missouri.

Janet Keith presented results of her research detailing some of the connections among Christopher, Sr.'s descendants as well as Floyd County history related to them. The traditional wisdom is that Christopher, Sr. was buried on property owned by his son, Jacob, as historical documents noted that he lived with "Jacob" during his final years. Janet presented evidence that this could have been a misinterpretation and that he actually may have stayed with Jacob Harmon, not his son Jacob Slusher, thus leading to speculation that Christopher's final resting place could conceivably be on Harmon property. Great work, Janet! We hope to see additional research on this topic.

Group Photograph of attendees of the 2014 Meeting

Mark your calendars now! The next meeting is scheduled for July 17, 2016.




  Copyright 2008 Slusher Family Organization   Last Update:30 July 2016