The Slusher Family Organization held it's 27th Reunion on July 17, 2022 in Floyd, Virginia. Seventy (75) relatives attended the meeting, traveling from as far away as Arkansas. This was our first 'in person' meeting since 2018 (due to COVID) making this reunion even more special!
Our intended speaker was Shannon Combs-Bennett, a Qualified Genealogist and award-winning author and lecturer. Unfortunately, due to a family emergency she was unable to attend, but she did record her lecture and it is available here for your viewing. We'll try to connect again for our 2024 event.
The Sunday meeting began mid-morning with socializing and sharing of family photographs and stories with a pot luck lunch was served which proved all too tempting for most attendees - both young and old.
A short business meeting was held after lunch in which existing officers of the organization were re-elected unamimously.
Click here to download a full-size version of this group photograph
The next meeting is scheduled for July 21, 2024. Looking forward to seeing you there!